Wednesday, July 7, 2010

100? What the Hell was I Thinking?

Yet another picture of my and two of my girls. One day I will get a pic of my whole group, but until then I like this pic. We were on our way to our traditional Chik-fil-a during our break at school.

It has been awhile since I have written any blogs... life has been so insane lately. Every time I think things can't get any crazier or busier I am surprised to see that it gets just that much more hectic! But on a good note the semester is absolutely flying by! And I am one month closer to my cruise to Jamaica in November 2011!!! Woo woo! I am going to go to Arizona and play with my sister at the end of this semester, so that is what I am really looking forward to!

My OB clinicals are now over (which surprisingly I am sad but I think it's cuz I don't have Jenny with me anymore, but now I have the equally wonderful Julie), and I am doing my medical/surgical clinicals. I worked last week on the 10th floor which is a medical/transplant floor. Nothing to really speak of happened... it felt like a typical day at work, but I didn't have the stress of having ten patients. I actually got to spend a lot of one on one time with my patient, and then also do some real nursing stuff. The nurse I worked with was a very nice black guy, which seemed quite perfect since I have such love for the brothas! I think jesus was in my corner for that one!

This week I am working on the 11th floor, which is surgical/trauma. So I am hoping it goes as well as last week did.

I am on the home stretch with the semester now. I took my fourth test yesterday and I was so not prepared (I did way too much playing all week long instead of studying) and I walked into the test having a panic attack about how unprepared I was! I knew I was going to fail, which would lead me to failing out of nursing school, and then being stuck being a glorified ass wiper the rest of my life... but surprisingly I did great! I got a 89%!!!!! This was such a shocking and wonderful surprise, I walked out holding my head high (and seriously confused cuz I really don't understand how that happened). But now we are having a test a week (some weeks 2 test) until the end of the semester... so I better not chance not studying again! This is going to be a very rough four weeks, but it will be such an amazing feeling when it's all over that I survived!!!!

Ok, so to add to the list of pregnancy fears... huh, let's think...

#71 (right?)- So I learned that there are four stages of labor and that stage one can last up to 20 hours!!!!! Who in the hell could handle labor for 20 hours... straight mind you. Oh lord all mighty that seems absolutely exhausting!

#70- When the baby is descending down the vagina there's different "presentations" that the baby can be in. There is one in particular that freaks me right the hell out, it's called the footling breech. It's where the baby is turned the wrong way (ass first) and the baby has a foot hanging out your vagina. I just can't personally visualize or handle looking down and seeing a foot hanging out the vagina... plus this is VERY BAD!!!! Scares me!!

#69- With my luck I would be post term; meaning that I would be lucky enough to be pregnant for two weeks longer than I needed to be (so over 42 weeks). Could you imagine how pleasant I would be at the end of pregnancy going only to the average 37-40 weeks, to only add on two weeks of feeling so miserable that you would give your left arm to not be pregnant anymore. Damn, if that ever does happen to me I just am going to warn you now stay clear from me! I'm not going to be pleasant!

#68- one condition- IUGR.... do I need to add anymore? (Ok, I will just for those of you who are not in nursing school and have no idea what the hell I'm talking about) Intrauterine growth retardation.... or if you want to be politically correct (which let's face it, I am not) you can say regression instead of retardation, but let's face the facts, it's the same damn thing.

#67- ok, so this one seems particularly painful and horrifying to me. It's called an external version. It is where the baby is breech (turned the wrong way) and the doctor turns the baby while it's in your stomach to face the correct way. This is supposed to be a horrifically painful (duh) thing to have done and it seems absolutely terrifying. It's scary enough to have a little mini human inside of you, but lets have the doctor go and completely turn the baby around while inside of you. I would be so terrified that the baby will grab a hold of a kidney (or perhaps the watch that was lost inside of me that I talked about a few blogs ago) and I will end up birthing my kidney along with my baby. If my baby does bring out a lost watch with him I think I will be forced to name him Rolex due to the circumstances... don't you think?

Well I have had enough of writing fears, and I am going to have to come up with 66 more in four weeks... don't know if I can throw out 66 more, once again I bit off more than I can chew. But damn it I am determined and I will get 100 things that scare the hell out of me in the next four weeks. Then I will be starting psych and I will have a whole new list of interesting crazy things to write about. I hope that psych will be as fun as I have built it up to be in my mind (or maybe that's the voices in my head hard at work).... just kidding.

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