Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Look What I Found! Memories From Last Semester, It Wasn't Lost After All

So since I have done a blog at the end of every semester I figure it was once again time to keep up on that tradition. This semester I attempted to have a life while going to school, and I had a lot of fun throughout the semester. I will be kissing my life goodbye for the next 7 months. Things will once again be hectic and chaotic, but on the up side there are only two semesters left, which equals about seven months of pure hell.

So I figured we should go over the memories made for this semester.

  1. I am supposed to appreciate each mornings bowel movement. Georgia told me that I am not appreciating the joys in life if I don't enjoy a good bowel movement
  2. Bumble attending class and going to test with me. He's developing quite the following.
  3. Papa and Julia getting locked down in the psych center. Freaking hilarious!!!!
  4. Did you know that they serve so much alcohol in Nevada because their water is contaminated?
  5. There are evil chipmunks out there. Really. We were told so.
  6. If there's a hole they're going to stick something in it
  7. I think everyone learned if I say I don't want to talk about it that they shouldn't push the issue
  8. That it's really funny to fail a b.s. test by 0.21%... ok, it's really not funny, but when you officially lose your mind things like that are funny
  9. Did you know a whopping 4" of snow will get school canceled. Then you're stuck making up a psych test the day before the stupid HESI.
  10. Ohhhhh gestalt
  11. Frotteurism is yet another fun word to say, and it's even funnier to use it in conversation
  12. We figured out that Jared is in a class all his own... well... as long as we're not dating him. But ladies, no worries, he does pay for the cab fare home
  13. Stefanie will let you put your junk in her trunk
  14. The term BCG was born
  15. So... can you study for an IQ test?
  16. When you're standing downtown in a group of 10 all wearing your blue scrubs drunk people across the street sing the Smurfs song to you
  17. Hot rubbing with Cori (this is not what it sounds like)
  18. You know you're stressed when someone in your group is studying for the wrong test! And even worse doesn't realize it until 5 minutes prior to the test.
  19. Holding up signs that say "Shoot me" in front of Russ (the clinical instructor) and when he reads it and looks at me I say to him "I mean it!"
  20. Naps in the psych clinical site chart room
  21. We all learned that the languo with spina bifida ARE NOT nerves and it will not hurt the child to touch the hairs
  22. The way to tell if the spinal cord is in the bubble (meylomeningocele) that is outside the skin is by popping it
  23. I learned it is acceptable that my instructor asks us if we believe in ghosts
  24. If you have a family member with a mental disorder it will break you financially for life (this is still a load of crap!)
  25. I have an above average IQ, just ask Georgia, she'll tell you so
  26. It is not a good idea to argue with your instructor about who pays taxes and who doesn't
  27. That talking about coitus interruptus is STILL funny
  28. Messing with cute little Katie is fun
  29. That when teaching kids about hand-washing all they want to do is sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and talk about Hula-hoops
  30. Don't take Chantix while doing your psych clinicals... the two are totally not a good combination!
  31. It always makes you feel good when you finish your psych clinicals and they don't keep you as a patient
  32. Butt massages and pudies (pedis while studying= pudy)
  33. Jared's countdown is a godsend
  34. Cori figured out how to get me to actually show up for class, she buys me coffee and has it sitting there waiting for me for when I show up
  35. I figured out that the longer I'm in nursing school the less I feel like I know
  36. Psych makes you go psychotic because you are convinced that you know someone, or even worse... yourself, with each illness that you learn about
  37. Stefanie is possessive of Jared
  38. "Did you know that you don't need a man to have an orgasm?" HAHAHA, a classic!!!!!!

Well look what I found! See, told you my brain was fried at the end of that semester. All I wanted to do was go out and play! And play I did! So I am glad that I found this, even though it's about 2 months late... sorry guys. But at least I kept up with the tradition! Peace out.

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